War Widow Norma Arden Recognised


Cronulla RSL Member, Norma Arden has recently been recognised for her contribution to the Cronulla RSL War Widows, being awarded Life Membership of the Australian War Widows Guild of Australia.

Norma was recently presented with the award by Pru Bennett, grandniece of Jessie Vasey.  Jessie Vasey  (19 October 1897 – 22 September 1966) was the founder and President of the War Widows' Guild of Australia. 

Mrs Arden (aged 94) is the Co-ordinator of the Cronulla War Widows Social Club, formally the Honorary President of the Cronulla War Widows Guild Club. Mrs Arden joined the organisation in 1995, having lost her husband John in 1994. Mr Arden was a WW2 veteran. Mrs Arden has overseen and supported the delivery of social connection services through the Cronulla Club for more than 10 years.

Norma is a local leader, ensuring that the war widows in Cronulla continue to meet monthly, she plans their outings and events. Mrs Arden continues to attend services such as War Widows Day, Field and Remembrance and AGM. She is a very active member of our community ensuring war widows remain connected, informed and supported.  

Congratulations & thank you, Norma!

This image of Norma is being where she is being presented with her award by Pru Bennett.

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